Sunday, March 29, 2015

blog post 10

Little kids big potential shows students in their first grades class and they talk about how they use blog post and technology in class. Other students comment on the kids work and the first graders get feedback. They also use programs such as skype and wiki as other ways to further their education feed back and growth as a student.

Interview with Mrs. Cassidy  part  1 

Mrs. Cassidy explains how she became fond of technology after she was given five computers she figured that she would make them useful to her class. Now after using them she thinks that you hurt your students by not making this a tool to use.

Interview with Mrs. Cassidy  part  2

In the second video she talks about how to use social media as an outlet for your intrest like posting pictures to flicker. Or using facebook or twitter as a way to keep up and see whats going on and awya to learn.

Interview with Mrs. Cassidy  part 3

in the last video she talks about presenting work as long as its in your own words it shouldn't be cheating. Which is a interesting way of thinking about the whole situation.

1 comment:

  1. Informative post Turner. I would make sure to pay close attention to grammar and proper nouns. For the most part, I thought this was very well written. Other than a few grammatical and punctuation errors, this is well written! It is informative and well describes what you will find out through these videos mentioned.
    Good job.
