Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog post #8

After all the stuff that I've been shown in college, The Randy Paunch video is the most useful and helpful. What a person can learn from him goes way beyond what a normal College Professor thinks of. Mr. Paunch teaches us what helps people out in the long run, not just a bunch of silly facts or dates. Paunch teaches us about how to achieve your dreams but more importantly what goes along into the journey. He talks about how is experiences happened and the way that impacted him for the better.  We can learn that the best thing come when you can wait and work hard. That brick walls just make you stronger and lets you see how bad you really want something. We can learn how to love live even when there is a bad thing looming over our head. We can learn that each dream is important and can be hit but if its not then you learn the lesson of what life throws at you and something else better comes along the way.everything this man says helps you and gives you a boost in life. He teaches that each person has skill qualities and how they can use them. Hes was a great man and a very insightful person.


  1. Hey Mason! I also enjoyed the Randy Pausch video and learned a lot from his insightful lecture. You might want to talk more about what Randy actually said in the video about his experiences from his role models and teachers in life and what the lessons were from his stories. I would suggest spell checking your work and perhaps reading it out loud to yourself before publishing it.

  2. Please proof read your posts before publishing. Also, pictures are required to have alt/title modifiers. There's no excuse for not having them at this point in the semester. Please fix this.
